
Monday 21 September 2009

Interest and Influence

There are innumerable sources on the planet from which to take influence and interest within whatever it is you do. 
One thing I always use for new ideas and inspiration are other design blogs.
Whether its professional, as part of a hobby, or even just something to experience I find these are great sources for pretty much anything you could need.

Due to their nature they are constantly updated, full of other ideas which influence the blog writers and whatever else they see fit to talk about. It becomes a never ending chain of resource, resources which are all personal to whomever puts them together.

One Designer's blog I regularly visit is one written by Jacob Cass, an Australian Logo and web designer. JustCreativeDesign is the name of his blog and business. What really appeals to me about this blog is his huge enthusiasm and passion for what he does and he is always looking at new ways in which he can pass on his knowledge and use it to benefit other designers.

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